Sometimes they are geometric shapes decorated with cones on the sides. I have a wooden sculpture with the shape of a skull.Ī veces son figuras geométricas decoradas con conos a los lados. List of shapes in Spanish Shape Figura/Forma Circle Crculo Rectangle Rectngulo Triangle Tringulo Square Cuadro Star Estrella Spiral Espiral Diamond Diamante Arch Arco Cube Cubo Hexagon Hexgono Octagon Octgono Pentagon Pentgono Pyramid Pirmide Semicircle. addition using shapes, addition with out without regrouping and addition word problems. Tengo una escultura de madera con forma de calavera. complex civilizations prior to the arrival of the Spanish. There are many geometric shapes in Spanish including 3D shapes as well as plain. For example, even extremely early stages of acquiring mastery over symbol-shapes take. Have you practiced making sentences with all of the shape vocabulary that you have learned in the list above?ĭon’t forget to use the accents to guide your pronunciation and where you place emphasis – there are many accents included in the shape words in Spanish. Learn about the word order in Spanish affirmative sentences with.

Here’s a list of some common Shapes Spanish Words: Arco – Arch This video covers basic and common words and phrases about “shapes”.
Shapes in spanish wor free#
This Spanish lesson on Shapes Spanish Words is one of the free learning Spanish language videos that you will receive just by visiting the web site Learning Spanish Like Crazy and subscribing to their newsletter. 14 Common Spanish Words for the Dearly Departed, Condolences & Sickness.8 Spanish Phrases You Should Learn Now to Improve Your Spanish (Important!) English and Spanish words that are related in meaning and spelling to acquire new vocabulary.

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